Friday, May 26, 2017

" This I Believe " Blog

Overcoming Obstacles”
By: Nathaly Galvez

      Growing up, my mom always told me that the life we have here is temporary. At any moment, something can happen to me, my mom, my dad, my brother - in general, my loved ones. I believe that enthusiasm can drive you to overcome any obstacles in life

       When I was in 7th grade, I was bullied numerous times by girls that I thought were my “best friends”. It turned out that my friendship was taken for granted by people that judged me easily. They judged me on how I acted, what I wore, who I was friends with.  Frustration and engagement were the words describing how I felt.It was a very difficult time for me. It led to a point where I let anyone and anything step over me.

     It was night, and they all messaged me saying hurtful things. At the moment, I thought to myself will they ever stop ? I lied to my mom the next day saying that I was sick, I went to work with her and she realized that I was perfectly fine. Eventually, I ended up telling her what happened and I saw in her eyes that she felt hurt I was feeling hurt. That wasn’t acceptable to her. We went home and my brother came home from practice yelling at me. I usually get my charisma from him, he told me to be the bigger person in the situation, to not care because life's too short to be serious all the time. I stress over the minor things and over think and to my brother that is “hilarious”. He would constantly start laughing and pointing his finger at me saying mean things but in a funny way. Not only did I start dying of laughter, but I also thanked him, and I’m very fortunate to have a brother like that, especially one that was in my shoes before.

    The two words I think of when enthusiasm comes into mind is laughing and smiling. I learned to surround myself with the people that came into my life for a change and the people that stood by my side through my many adversities. One girl named Claudia. She has been the most supportive and uplifting girl who for me, she's been like a sister.  Also, for the people that crushed my spirit, I have them to thank for.  I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. My character has definitely built up. I became not only a wiser person, but a stronger and perseverant person.  In the future, I hope to raise my family with the power of enthusiasm . It will strive them to become successful human being.They can use this value for themselves and for the use in someone else's life.
     Imagine the smile you can put on others, imagine the impact and influence you can have on someone's life. It is important for people to value the time they have on left with family, friends, and close ones. The real secret to life is living it to the fullest, the key to living it, is living it in an enthusiastic way.


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