Thursday, November 10, 2016

Election Reflection

The presidential election is finally over. Republican, Donald Trump, claimed victory of becoming the next U.S President of the United States on Tuesday, November 8th. However, Hillary Clinton was accused of receiving “ as many as 650,000 messages", Hillary was able to win the popular vote. Donald Trump won the electoral votes. My thoughts on this election in general was me being incredibly shocked. I did not expect Donald Trump to be the next president, Hillary Clinton may be a woman, but has, in my opinion, far more experience than Donald Trump. Donald Trump was recognized of being a millionaire, he is a representation of someone who is conceited with how much money he has and not focused on the real life situations , citizens across America are facing currently. Donald Trump does not want Syrian refugees to enter the country, he wants to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, and deport undocumented citizens. Congress is mostly made up of Republicans therefore, Donald Trump and Congress will compromise with ease.

A president can serve two terms (eight years) if reelected, the next election will be in four years, I am very excited to vote. I would be very excited because I feel that your vote can impact the world and make a difference. The Electoral College decides who the president will be but they rely on us to help them decide, so it is crucial for me to vote. I also have a voice and the world should be able to know by me voting. I grew up in a family that has always been Democrat and I believe that we should have a Democratic president respecting other people's culture unlike, Donald Trump who judges consistently throughout the world. My vote is important because back in history, without voting, their would be no women rights, no minimum wage, no medicare, etc. My vote would be important to the world because it is the president, the person who is the leader of America. If I want to have a bright future, my voice counts along the way.

Issues and problems are discussed everywhere, but I think in this election, the most important and interesting in relation to the election must be; economy, immigration, and climate change Many undocumented citizens (mostly Mexicans) are getting afraid of getting deported back to their countries while having family here in the United States. Moving onto economy; some people are receiving low wages but work for long hours, which is unfair. The minimum wage is an example of the economy affecting many people. Next, climate change, the world is getting "hotter ", the sake of the population is in the president's hands now. What will he do to keep us, citizens, safe? How will climate change affect our world in the future? These questions can extend, but we all, Democrats or Republicans need to join forces to become a whole. Whether disagreeing or agreeing, our job is to represent a country with pride. Now our new upcoming president, will hopefully guide to " Make America Great Again!".

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